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阿里山高山烏龍袋茶-清香 ★ 內容物:【胤詮face-tea雲端粉絲茶】 台灣阿里山特選優等烏龍袋茶(清香)
★ 產地:台灣阿里山海拔 ★ 優點:好茶入喉甘韻,茶香四溢,耐泡不苦澀。 ★ 包裝:內袋採英國進口食品級不織布材質,嚴選多層鋁袋獨立密封防潮包,保持最佳新鮮品質。 ★ 保存方法:請置於陰涼乾燥處 ★ 保存日期:二年 ★ 本產品已投保富邦產品責任險 ★ 本產品為HACCP/ISO22000/ISO9001專業廠製造包裝,品質安全有保障
★ 本產品適合沖泡方式:熱泡 / 冷泡 ■沖泡方式:(可依個人口味增加或減少沖泡之水量) *熱泡:置茶包以90-95℃沸水沖泡,約2-3分鍾即可飲用。 *冷泡:置茶包放入600c.c.常溫水瓶內,約0.5小時即可飲用。 快速冷泡法:先以150c.c熱水泡之加入450c.c.常溫水 沖泡後冷藏可保存2天,常溫可保存12小時
堅持賣好茶 保證阿里山特等茶製
喝了還想來一杯~~ 一般茶無可取代韻味~
Taiwan Dongding Oolong tea is medium fermentation, and is well known everywhere. Dongding Oolong tea originates in TAIWAN(Formosa) Alishan high mountain, The manufacturing process for kind of this tea is rolling the tea through the fabric to form a tight dome. It has dark green color tealeaf with bright yellow tea, strong aroma and taste of mellow”Gan”. It is definitely a unique TAIWAN TEA. Due to it has big temperature difference between day and night, and has fog all day with fresh air at the time of spring to summer interchange, Which is an excellent breeding environment for Oolong tea. The special"Alishan sweet flavor”is very addictive. Our harvests has its baby shoots. It grows very slowly and often baptized by the snow, But with an average of 2 to 3 harvests annually. Oolong Tea it has elegant aroma,Taste sweet, and the aroma stays in your mouth and throat for three days around the tongue!Taiwan Dongding Oolong tea is medium fermentation, and is well known everywhere.
Dongding Oolong tea originates in TAIWAN high mountain, Jhushan and other tea-growing areas. The manufacturing process for kind of this tea is rolling the tea through the fabric to form a tight dome. It has dark green color tealeaf with bright yellow tea, strong aroma and taste of mellow”Gan”. It is definitely a unique TAIWAN TEA. Due to Lishan’s high altitude, it has big temperature difference between day and night, and has fog all day with fresh air at the time of spring to summer interchange, Which is an excellent breeding environment for high mountain tea. The special”Lishan sweet flavor”is very addictive. Our harvests has its baby shoots. It grows very slowly and often baptized by the snow, But with an average of 2 to 3 harvests annually. Lishan Oolong Tea is the extreme repressntation of high mountain tea as it has elegant aroma,
Taste sweet, and the aroma stays in your mouth and throat for three days around the tongue!
探索雲端佳茗 Discovery Excellent Quality of tea
用心情品茶 享受解放心靈之渴 With Mood face-tea, Enjoy free your soul thirstey.
生活簡單 簡單生活 Life Sample, Sample life…
◆純天然健康生技食品 Natural Healthful Biotech Food
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