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- 感謝 桃園陳小姐訂購
- 感謝美國 陳小姐訂購
ABOUT 胤詮達FaceTea
FaceTEA 輕鬆.愉快.悠閒 經典的品牌
靈感來自於水(Water,TEA) 水是生命體重要的物質。
Enjoy face tea
Lifestyle from face tea
TCIT Trust. Innovation Creation. Intelligence. Technology
"YinQuan-FaceTea" has created many best-selling health care products, selling and improving the lives of many people. For these achievements, in addition to his gratitude to customers, YinQuan essence qi and energy feels that he is more responsible. YinQuan cares about customers as family members all the time, using advanced high-end technology combined with biological, genetic... and other scientific principles to provide the most natural, research and development products with higher efficiency, to provide the highest principles and indicators for improving consumers' lives.
YinQuan-FaceTea creates safe, secure and high-efficiency health products for himself and his family. It strictly controls the source, selects world-class well-known patented raw materials, searches thousands of international papers, clinical experiments and research reports, and strict quality control and inspection. , Design the best health care product with gold complete formula that is absorbed by the human body-the brand chosen by the insider!!
Let’s now give examples of "Yin Quan FaceTea" products-French sanguine, Jingganxin (world patent glutathione), Gutangtuo (sequencing bitter gourd peptide plus), pure anthocyanins, pure inca oil (Peru), Pure nigella oil (Turkey), probiotic OEM (small fiber...Japan exclusive probiotic formula)... and other health foods are all popular. Although many media are vying for invitations, they take a conservative attitude and respect the customer. , Let customers enjoy and communicate the word of mouth to more substantial feedback. Due to the epidemic situation, the people have also raised the concept of the importance of prevention, and the company's products have been loved, especially 1 super sensitive [Fine Liver Heart] (highest glutathione content), sold out as soon as the product is released, waiting for the next The batch production is suitable for people who stay up late/socialize and drink more/love the beauty of crystals/very slender sensibility... etc. It has many benefits. 2 The secret recipe from Turkey with a medicinal history of more than two thousand years [Black Cumin Oil] -Black Seed Oil This mysterious and precious holy product has the reputation of "Pharaoh's Gold" and Arab "Blessed Seed". It was recognized by Cleopatra in its early days. Later regarded as the magic weapon for youth and beauty, the most prominent component of Thymoquinone, which is the most prominent ingredient in "Yin Quan Nei Seed Oil", and the high content of linoleic acid, which is rich in unsaturated fatty acids belonging to Omega 6, is one of the essential fatty acids for the human body and can be used as energy. Source, participate in and maintain the functioning of information transmission and metabolism in the body, adjust physical fitness and promote health. 3 Designated and widely loved—[French Black Date Replenishment] to enhance energy and energy supply, one drink a day (a skin care product that is cheaper than a drink) is made by a French biomedical manufacturer, imported with original packaging, and a fair price to give back to popular The masses. There are many high-quality products, and the degree of intention is by no means ordinary. Sensitive and natural is the philosophy and purpose of "YinQuan-FaceTea". Therefore, YinQuan has you to have YinQuan. Let YinQuan continue to maintain your health. Gatekeeper.
We especially make a general review for YinQuan-FaceTea
√ Real price
√ Peace of mind, high quality, good results
√ The world's cutting-edge patents
√ Original gold complete formula
√ Forefront of food technology
√ Direct and instant customer service
一般及網路接單,遇週六、日及國定假日均無寄送貨品,但有接受訂單,訂單將於正常上班日寄送作業。 本公司保留一切修改、變更、終止活動之最終權利。 |