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而「胸腔醫學」期刊的最新研究報告也指出,每個星期吃五個以上的蘋果,就能夠讓肺部功能更健康。英國研究人員針對2512位45-59歲男性進行呼吸測試,以了解這些人每秒可以吐出多少氣體。研究人員則根據這些人的生活作息、飲食習慣、生病記錄進行分析,並在五年後,進行同樣的測試。結果顯示,愛吃蘋果的男性,肺部功能確實保持得比較好,與不吃蘋果的男性相對照,愛吃蘋果的男性肺容積平均多出138毫升。雖然蘋果的保健功效這麼棒,但是卻不能阻止肺功能逐漸變差的問題。 研究人員的假設是:蘋果的類黃酮素抗氧化成份「quercetin」能夠有效對抗空氣污染和抽煙的傷害,由於這種成份在茶、洋蔥、紅酒、大棗當中也都存在,因此也不排除這類食物能夠保護肺部的功效。 你(妳)不用再猶豫要怎樣呼吸新鮮空氣嗎?請立馬+趕快來顆新鮮香脆的蘋果吧!
※ Apples --- Lungs* Custodians Teachers who breathe in chalk powder need to eat apples as a tonic! Are you one of those people who weave in and out of traffic and inhale a great amount of exhaust? Or are you the housewife who busily prepares three meals and fight with grease and smoke (from cooking) in the kitchen? Are you one of those who could not get rid of stress or receive inspiration without smoking? Have an apple! One apple a day can let you have a clean lung. In fact, there is an American saying which goes ※An apple a day keeps the doctor away.§ Chest Medicine Periodical latest research also shows a person who eats more than five apples a week can strengthen his or her lung. British researchers did a breathing study to 2, 512 males range from 45-59 years old in order to figure out how much air these individuals can exhale every second. Researchers did an analysis based on these individuals ways of living, diet habit and sickness records. They performed the same test after five years. The result shows males who eat lots of apples have better lungs function when compared to males who don*t eat apples. Males who love to eat apples have a greater lung capacity of 138 ml. Although apples have such great effect, they can not prevent lung function from weakening. Researchers* hypothesis is that apples contain quercetin which can effectively combat harm caused by air pollution and exhaust. This special element can also be found in tea, onions and red wine. Therefore, they don*t exclude that these foods can protect lungs as well. Are you still hesitant as to how to breathe in fresh air? Cut it off! Come and have a refreshing crispy apple!